Air Compressor Safety: 10 Tips to Avoid Injury in the Workplace

Air compressors are complicated pieces of machinery with many potential safety hazards. Like all high-powered machinery, air compressors require safety measures to be in place to protect operators and other employees. We’ve created an air compressor safety checklist to help keep your business a safe place to work during compressor operations, repairs and maintenance.

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Air Compressor Technology Advancing the Industry

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Industrial compressed air advancements are making systems more productive, convenient and efficient. One of the most promising areas of innovation for the compressed air industry is connectivity and data analysis. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that by the end of 2020, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) network will consist of more than 29 billion connected devices. Although compressor manufacturers are still trying to figure out the best ways to leverage this connectivity, two growing trends are Data Analytics and Predictive Maintenance.

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